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Scrum and sprints

Home Digital Scrum and sprints

For years, we have been using the Scrum method to develop new projects. Here you can read more about how we apply this method in practice and why we have chosen to do so.

The Scrum method is an iterative and incremental approach to project management that focuses on the rapid and flexible delivery of valuable digital products. At 0to9, we use this method because it allows us to respond more quickly to the needs of our clients. We have chosen to adapt a number of phases in our project management process so that we can better use the Scrum method.

In the initiation phase of a project, we discuss with the client what problems he or she wants to solve with a new website or application. Based on this information, we will create a product backlog. This is a list of all the features we want to include in the final product. The product backlog is a living document that we can continually work on during the project. It is important that we are flexible with it and can quickly respond to any changes in the client's requirements.

User stories

In the planning phase, we determine which features we want to deliver in the first iteration, also known as a sprint. We do this based on the product backlog and in consultation with the client. For each feature, we create a user story. A user story describes why a particular feature should be included in the product and who the feature is intended for. User stories help us better understand what the client wants to achieve with the new product.

The development phase is where we actually build the product. In each sprint, we create a number of user stories that we use to deliver a working prototype. This prototype is not yet the final product, but it already gives the client a good idea of what the end product will look like and what its capabilities will be. After each sprint, we do a review with the client. In this review, we discuss which user stories we have completed and whether the client is satisfied with the result. Based on the feedback we receive, we adjust the product backlog and the development process as needed.

Finally, there is the release phase in which we deliver the end product to the client. Because we are in constant interaction with the client during the project, the chances of needing to make changes are minimal. This makes delivering the end product much easier and faster.

By applying the Scrum method in our web development process, we can work faster and more flexibly. We are less tied to a strict plan, which allows us to better respond to any changes in the client's requirements. This results in a better user experience for the client and ultimately a better website or application.

de Dijker

Lead Digital

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