9.5 score /150
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Discovering Values

Home Organisation Transformation Discovering Values

In the context of organisational culture, the theme 'Discovering Values' focuses on identifying and understanding personal and team values within the work environment. We encourage open communication and self-reflection to make employees' individual values visible.

An organisational culture that embraces this theme acknowledges the diversity of values and strives for an inclusive environment where every individual feels heard and valued. This approach not only promotes a positive working atmosphere but also contributes to building a strong, cohesive organisation. 

A Personal Values Survey helps you discover what is important to you, why you do what you do, and why you are who you are. It also identifies areas for development and growth. It gives you control. It ensures that you are no longer carried along by the current but can determine your own direction. 

That’s why transformation themes of 0to9

  • Unique programmes integrated into the marketing communication programme
  • The promise you make outside is realised inside 
  • You cultivate a shared desire based on an Ambition Value 
  • You gain valuable knowledge and skills that you can easily apply to your work 
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